Entries are now closed.
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Über die Challenge

Leg los mit dem Design!

Wir werden 5 Designs in die engere Auswahl nehmen

Du darfst abstimmen!
Wir präsentieren
Der Hauptpreis
y el ganador es....
¡Cómic Cuddles!
Con su tema lúdico y vibrante, estamos encantados de anunciar que Comic Cuddles, de Kristen Nicola, es el ganador de nuestro concurso de diseño.
El diseño se pondrá en producción con el nombre de la diseñadora en la etiqueta.
Estén atentos al lanzamiento de la impresión de Comic Cuddles en los próximos meses y, una vez más, gracias a todos los que participaron y votaron. No podríamos haberlo hecho sin vosotros.

Wie kann ich teilnehmen?
You can submit your entry using the link here before midnight on 28th February 2024!
Muss ich Designer sein?
Absolutely not!
Even if you have a great idea in your head, you can still submit an entry. We just ask that you describe as much detail as possible, so we can help you bring your design to life!
If you do have creative skills using other mediums, like sketching, painting or digital designing using Illustrator or Photoshop, we would love to see these too!
Was sind die Preise?
The shortlisted designers will win €100/£100 to spend at Zipster, as well as having their design printed on a Zipster and photographed!
The winner will receive €500/£500 in cash, as well as having their Zipster as part of our new collection! Of course you will also receive the Zipster in a size of your choice :)
We'll also feature your name on the labels and on our website when showing the product!
Are there terms and conditions?
Yes. To enter, you must agree to our Terms and Conditions which can be found here.